Shop online. He starts selling without paying fees.
What will you get with our platform?

An online store adapted to your needs

Increase conversions
A flow designed to sell

The payment process removes as much friction as your customer can have.

No commits
Don't pay to sell

There are no sales commissions. All you generate is for you.

Abandoned baskets
Manage sending

You will have marketing tools to recover baskets abandoned by your customers.


Manage your sales and take advantage of marketing tools

Increase conversions
How we work

How will the process be for keeping your store online

Kick off meeting

Meeting to define your needs and align ourselves with the goals we set.


We define what the online store will look like, what categories it will have, the product type, the shipments.


We're going to design an online store highlighting user experience and sales conversion.


We will develop your online store to be fast and effective on all devices.


Let's register your website in record time for you to start selling your products.


Estem sempre al teu servei per resoldre dubtes.

Why have an online store with som plataforma?

You will have a unique store and tools to manage your sales

1 | Adapted to devices
2 | No commissions paid for sale
3 | Payment gateway integration
4 | Fancy design that optimizes conversion
5 | Don't worry about technical questions
Ask for a quote
Give them your phone number and we will contact you
Customers who have already trusted us

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